Sunday, July 19, 2015

Be Prepared

School is right around the corner. We all know that preparing for the school year can be very stressful.  If you’re anything like me, you rearrange your furniture 5 times; spend countless hours looking on pinterest and blogs for bulletin board ideas; your hands begin to cramp from labeling everything with your new students’ names; the list goes on and on.

My school has an open house before school starts. That night I give my parents an introduction letter about myself; information about my classroom management; and forms for them to fill out and return.  My first year I was so worried about setting up my classroom that I almost forgot about all the paperwork and I was rushed to get everything finished the night before the open house. I didn't want to make that mistake again! Last summer I worked on the forms for open house.

Creating the forms over the summer had multiple benefits. I was able to space out the work over a few nights, which let me have time to think about the wording and layout of my forms. I was also able to go back and look at the forms to see if I forgot anything. It also saved me time because I wasn't stuck with multiple teachers waiting in the copy room the day of open house getting frustrated with the copiers for jamming. I guess slow and steady does win the race!

This also gives me motivation at the beginning of the year because I get to cross something off my list of things to do within my first 15 minutes of being back at school! 

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